Our Ministries
The men of Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church meet each month for learning and discussion. Parish projects are discussed. All Christian men are invited to attend. Breakfast and coffee is available.
The group meets on the second Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. in Barton Hall at the church.
“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor;” Roman 12:10

C.A.F.E. stands for communications, action, fellowship, and evangelism. The C.A.F.E. team’s goal is to reach out to the community with service, spread the Good News, and improve communications within the parish. They have open-door meetings once a month on the fourth Sunday of each month.
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35
Tuesday Community Dinners
On the third Tuesday of each month we open our doors to those who search for a place to rest and feel at home. We serve the poor, the elderly, the homeless, the lonely and whoever desires to be welcomed in a friendly place to be loved and cherished. We hope that when people enter the red doors of our church that they’ve entered a safe haven for all. Dinner starts at 6 p.m., we hope to see you there!

Growing Our Church for God’s Work
Help us grow Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church. Donate today, so we can help our community and strengthen our church.